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Krishnadas M, Kumar N, and Comita LS. 2019. Edge effects reduce α-diversity but not β-diversity during community assembly in a human-modified tropical forest. Ecological Applications (IN PRESS)


Krishnadas M, Bagchi R, Sridhara S, Comita LS. 2018. Weaker plant-enemy interactions decrease tree seedling diversity with edge-effects in a fragmented tropical forest. Nature Communications 9: 4523.


Krishnadas M et al. 2018. Environment and land-use history together predict species distributions and functional diversity of tree communities in a temperate forest landscape. Ecological Applications 28: 2142-2152.


Krishnadas M, Agarwala M, Sridhara S and Eastwood E. 2018. Parks protect forest cover in a tropical biodiversity hotspot, but high human population densities can limit success. Biological Conservation 223: 147-155.


Krishnadas M & Comita L.S. 2017. Influence of soil pathogens on early regeneration success of tropical trees varies between forest edge and interior. Oecologia 186: 259-268.


Fotis A, Murphy S, Ricart R, Krishnadas M, Whitacre J, Wenzel J, Queenborough S, Comita L. 2017. Aboveground biomass is driven by mass-ratio effects and stand structural attributes in a temperate deciduous forest. Journal of Ecology 106: 561–570.


Krishnadas M, Kumar A, Comita L.S. 2016. Environmental gradients structure tropical tree assemblages at landscape-scales in Western Ghats, India. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1116 – 1128.


Vasudev D, Fletcher RJ, Goswami VR, and Krishnadas M. 2015. From dispersal constraints to landscape connectivity: lessons from species distribution modeling. Ecography 38: 967–978. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01306


Comita LS, Queenborough SA, Murphy SJ, Eck JL, Xu K, Krishnadas M, Beckman N, Zhu Y. 2014. Testing predictions of the Janzen–Connell hypothesis: a meta-analysis of experimental evidence for distance- and density-dependent seed and seedling survival. Journal of Ecology 102: 845-856.


Prasad S, Krishnadas M, McConkey K, Dutta A. 2014. The tangled causes of population decline in two harvested plant species. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 642-647.


Goswami VR, Vasudev D, Karnad D, Krishna YC, Krishnadas M et al. 2013. Conflict of human–wildlife coexistence. PNAS 110: E108


Krishnadas M, Karnad D, Nair T. 2013. Highlighting conservation in the equality debate: a response to Bawa et al. Conservation Biology 27: 422-424.


Velho N, Krishnadas M. 2012. Impact of selective logging on tree community composition in an evergreen forest of North-east India. Tropical Conservation Science 4: 405-419


Krishnadas M, Chandrashekhara K, Kumar A. 2011. The response of the lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) to a period of food scarcity in a rainforest. American Journal of Primatology 73: 1250-1260. doi: 10.1002/ajp.20997


In review:


Krishnadas M, Agarwal K, and Comita LS. Insects and fungi regulate functional composition and diversity of tree seedlings, but edge effects alter these processes in fragmented forest. Functional Ecology


Shahabuddin G, Krishnadas M, and Goswami R. Avian Community Change along a Land Use Intensification Gradient in Oak-Pine Forest Biome of Western Himalayas, India. Journal of Nature Conservation




Krishnadas M, Sridhara S. 2017. Harvesting Non-timber Forest Products poses a conservation quandary. Seminar. March 2018.


Krishnadas M, Velho N. 2015. Misconstrued dichotomies. Seminar Annual Issue. 2014. 102-106.


Velho N, Krishnadas M, Srinivasan U, Sridhara S. 2014. Sidestepping science: India’s notional board for wildlife. Economic and Political Weekly. 49(38):10-12.


Karnad D, Krishnadas M, Nair T. 2013. Budgeting for nature: economic growth and ecosystem conservation in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 48(25):23-26.


Krishnadas M, Velho N, & Srinivasan U. 2012. The worrisome business of a National Investment Board. Economic and Political Weekly 47(45):13-17


Velho N, Krishnadas M, Srinivasan U, Sridhara S. 2012. Turning the page in wildlife science: conservation biology and bureaucracy. Economic and Political Weekly 47(12):27-30


Krishnadas M, Srinivasan U, Velho N, Sridhara S. 2011. Turning the page in forest governance: science and bureaucracy. Economic and Political Weekly. 46:10-13




  1. From fungus to forest: a tale of tropical tree diversity. 2018. Harvard Arnoldia.

  2. Staff writer for Yale Environment Review (2015-2017):

  3. Why Diverting Yettinahole River is Both Ecologically Damaging and Economically Unsound:

  4. Without Proper Impact Assessment, Small Dams Could Cause Great Ecological Damage:

  5. An Ecologist in a Tea Estate. Yale TRI blog.

  6. Squeezing ecological spaces: book review of “Nature without Borders”. Down to Earth.

  7. Going Nowhere? Roads and Conservation in India: with S. Sridhara

  8. Energy and environment in 21st century India. DTE blog

  9. The environment-development divide – is there room for dialogue: with D. Karnad

  10. Green rules – old debates new dialogue: with D. Karnad

  11. A short journey along an Indian river. Blogpost. 

  12. En route to getting lost. Blogpost. 

  13. Retreating Jungle. Daily Pioneer. September 2013.

  14. Re-thinking forest clearances in India: time to tighten up. With T. Nair. Daily Pioneer. August 2013.

  15. Much ado over a hotspot. Daily Pioneer. October 2012.

  16. It’s not just about a good holiday: with D. Karnad. Down to Earth. October 2012.

  17. Mine your business: ecological impacts of mining in forests. Survey of the Environment (Annual Magazine by The Hindu): June 2012

  18. The mentor who did not become a tormentor: with N. Velho. NCBS news. June 2012.

  19. Permitting wildlife science: Down to Earth. February 2012

  20. Eco-tourism: Opportunity or costs to Indian parks? Survey of the Environment (Annual Magazine by The Hindu): (August 2011, hard copy)

  21. Critical Wildlife Habitats: civil society and conservation. Survey of the Environment (Annual Magazine by The Hindu): (August 2011, hard copy)

  22. Feasts, Famines and a Tale of Two Primates: Sanctuary Asia Magazine (June 2011, hard copy)

  23. Grasslands in Western Ghats diverted for luxury resorts: Down to Earth. May 2011.

  24. Human-leopard conflict guidelines:

  25. The Feast at the Fig: Science Reporter, January 2011 issue (Hard copy)

  26. Whither Rainforests?

  27. Of the vanishing wild:

  28. Refrain to a rainmaker:

  29. Revisiting two cultures with Jairam Ramesh

  30. Wrong Shades of Green:

  31. The long hop:

  32. Resort to disaster:

  33. Fire in the mountain:

  34. Hills of holy beauty: Spectrum, Deccan Herald, 2006 (Hard copy)

  35. Whither flows the Cauvery: Spectrum, Deccan Herald, 2005 (Hard copy)

Laboratory for Conservation of Endangered Species Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Hyderabad INDIA

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